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Reaction inc/dec Knob with encoder

Submitted by verdeal on Sun, 12/18/2022 - 20:45
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User


I want to use one encoder (there are actually two, left and right) for panning in split mode.
I don't know what action I have to define in the reaction so that when turning an absolute encoder (1-127) the value increases or decreases by 0.1.

I understand that I should use "self.song().view.selected_track.mixer_device.right_split_stereo.value"
but I don't know how to continue.


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3 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi, you will want to use the 'get value from ranges' option.
Here's a video tutorial on it: https://youtu.be/1Bni9Yqtks0

Pro User

Thanks for the reply.
I have seen the video, very good and clear, like everyone else. I have another question, how to do the same but with a relative encoder instead of absolute.
I almost have it! THANK YOU

Pro User

Any help on how to give value to a knob through a relative encoder (127 left 1 right)?
Many thanks