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Reaction "Clip slot - fire" causing error: Python argument types in ClipSlot.fire(ClipSlot, NoneType, NoneType) did not match C++ signature

Submitted by infinitystairs on Sun, 09/19/2021 - 22:13
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

Hi, I'm trying to use the Clip Slot fire reaction and I'm getting an error. Here is the relevant messages in my log:

2021-09-19T15:56:26.253416: info: Python: INFO:_Framework.ControlSurface:253 - LOG: (css_xtouch_mini_gb_v03) csslog:(Xtouch Mini GB v03) There's a problem with 'Action Block 1' in reaction 'Session Record' (from 'Button 16 was pressed' listener) >>
2021-09-19T15:56:26.253482: info: RemoteScriptMessage: (css_xtouch_mini_gb_v03) csslog:(Xtouch Mini GB v03) There's a problem with 'Action Block 1' in reaction 'Session Record' (from 'Button 16 was pressed' listener) >>
2021-09-19T15:56:26.253627: info: Python: INFO:_Framework.ControlSurface:253 - LOG: (css_xtouch_mini_gb_v03) csslog: >> Python argument types in
ClipSlot.fire(ClipSlot, NoneType, NoneType)
did not match C++ signature:
fire(TPyHandle self, double record_length=1.7976931348623157e+308, int launch_quantization=-2147483648, bool force_legato=False)

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3 Responses


Forum Admin

Have you entered values for the action parameters: 'Record length' and 'Launch Quantization'?

Control Surface Studio User

Same bug here. I did not enter any value which defaulted to the following code :
self.song().view.selected_track.clip_slots[0].fire(None, None)

Forum Admin

Try changing it to 'custom code' then remove 'None, None' so it looks like this:self.song().view.selected_track.clip_slots[0].fire()