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Problem with Mode 0

Submitted by adgangfolmer on Mon, 06/05/2017 - 12:06
Pro User


I just purchased the Pro version yesterday, and I've now started building a rather complicated script for my live performances. I need my volumes and sends to be active at all times, so I've assigned them to Mode 0. However, this is causing the script to not work, where as when I assign these functions to Mode 1, it works fine. Any idea of what might cause this problem?

Best regards

11 Responses


Forum Admin


Welcome to Remotify!
I can't think of a reason off the top of my head why this could be,
Have you had a look in your log.txt file for errors? (search for remotescripterror)
Or upload your log.txt file
Or your script's .json file
and we can take a look.



Pro User

Thanks for a quick reply. I've just made some very simplified versions of the script, that I'm trying to make.
The one called "tester" is the one that works, because the volume, send and track select are assigned to Mode 1
The one called "tester 2" doesn't work, where volume, send and track select are assigned to Mode 0

upload files: 
Pro User

Here's "tester 2"

upload files: 
Pro User

Well, the mystery continues. I just tried to import the "tester 2" .json file, that I just uploaded here. Apparently the volume, send and track select, that I assigned to Mode 0, are now assigned to Mode 1, when I import the json file, while the mode buttons are still assigned to Mode 0 and the solo button also kept the assignment to mode 2.

Pro User

So far I 've found a pretty tedious work around, where I duplicate the same mapping and assign to the different modes (for example a mapping for volume on track 1 in both mode 1 and 2). But since I'm gonna have 40 mappings that need to be active at all time, and given that I'm gonna need 7 different modes, this isn't really the smartest solution.

Pro User

So, I've done a little further investigation. I've found out that I can use track select and transport functions in Mode 0, but when I try to assign either mixer, DJ or device functions to Mode 0, then the script wont work.

Forum Admin


Yes it looks like mode 0 is missing mixer code which these controls rely on.
We've found the cause of this but need to run some tests before implementing the fix.
Should have it fixed tomorrow.
Also, yes there was a bug with mappings on mode0 being changed to mode 1 when importing back into the app. This has now been fixed.



Pro User

Nice, thanks. Really looking forward to that :) After some more experimentation I've come across another weird issue. If I assign track select to Mode 0 and then assign a session box to Mode 6 for example, and then enter Mode 6 to use the session box, the track select stops working. I'm using different buttons for the track select and the session box.
The track select works just fine when I switch between modes that contain mutes and solos and things like that. So it looks like there's an issue with the session box.

Thanks for quick replies and a steady stream of improvements and new features btw.

Forum Admin


We've now fixed the issue with mixer code. The mixer component is now added outside all modes so they all have access to 1 global mixer.

Track select is pretty self contain, doesn't rely on session box or anything else to work.
Maybe the issue with the mixer component was causing an error in your script.
Try downloading a new version and see if you still have the same problem.


Pro User

Sure... I'll check and see if it works now :)

Pro User

So, I've done some further testing and almost everything works as expected. There are only 2 minor issues, that I've come across.
If i have a session box in one of my mode (say mode 4) then my track selects, which are assigned to mode 0, will only work in mode 4, unless I add a session box to mode 1, 2, and 3 as well. This isn't a big deal, as I just add a 1x1 "dymmy session box" without assigning any buttons to it. But it would of course be nice if I didn't have to do this.
The other thing is, that if I off set my session box in mode 4, then the track and device selects are off set by the same amount, even though they are assigned to mode 0. Volumes, sends and device parameters aren't affected by the session box's off set, but it seems that track and device selects are off set by the same amount as the currently active session box. I don't know if it's possible to avoid this behavior or if it's simply a consequence of how the session box works. Anyway, it's not that big a deal, and I can definitely work my way around it.
Thanks again for the quck respons and solutions.