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Problem could not select the Ableton Live Version

Submitted by Ciura81 on Mon, 11/15/2021 - 15:39
Control Surface Studio User

I have a Problem to select the Live version.
I run a Student Version of Ableton 10 and Ableton 11.
In both cases it's not possible to select a live Version.
Only something like Phython but it does not work.

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6 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi Ciura81,

Control Surface studio looks for the Live version folders in the following locations,
Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Ableton\
Mac: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Ableton\
if this is not correct on your system then Control Surface Studio will not be able to find the Live version folders.

Control Surface Studio User

C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Ableton\ --> this Path is for Windows otherwise I can't find such a path shown in the other example. Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Ableton\
Is It the same path like it's for the live log.txt file?
Or is it because I have installed my Ableton not in C:\ HDD.

I can make screen shots of my paths and directorys

Forum Admin


The reason can be one of these:
1. you set the live folder to a different location than Ableton's default.
2. Your operating system is not 'English' meaning your 'user' folder is named something else (i.e. if french 'utilisateur')

One thing to note, if your Live version menu is empty, its not really a problem as it is only used for setting the location of the log.txt file. But this can be set manually using the browse button next to 'log.txt file' location.

In any case, we are working on a fix so you can manually select the 'live version folder location' on your system.

Control Surface Studio User

Thanks for your help,

Mhe first mappings are done :)

Forum Admin

We have released a fix which adds the ability to manually set the 'live version folder location'.
Download CSS version 2.6.2 and see this post for more details: https://remotify.io/community/question/css-version-262-out-manually-set-...

Control Surface Studio User

Now it Works fine :)