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Play/Stop/Metronome Led Feedback

Submitted by danicroitor on Fri, 02/22/2019 - 17:00
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

I'm trying to figure out how to receive led feedback when I press the pads I have assigned to these functions.

I would appreciate any help regarding this.

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5 Responses


Pro User

For the "play" I tried a reaction like this but it doesn't work. As soon as I'm using this reaction the play button doesn't work anymore.

Isn't there a way for the script to listen for when the Ableton start playing and send a value to a specific pad?

Forum Admin

"As soon as I'm using this reaction the play button doesn't work anymore."
Sounds like you have input code into the Reaction which is breaking your Script.

Have a read through this Step by Step Tutorial about adding Reactions / LED Feedback to a function:

Pro User

I've done it exactly using the tutorial.

Pro User

Hei John, did you manage to take a look to the screenshots I've uploaded?

Pro User

I spent hours trying to figure it out.
I've noticed in one of the comments the idea of removing "conditions" I did that and not the LED turns on but I don't know how to make it for the second press to turn off