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A place to share elaborate scripts to promote time efficiency and creativity?

Submitted by dok.ryconn on Wed, 07/26/2023 - 04:08
Control Surface Studio User

Remotify is a really great tool and I'm sure a lot of us have spent a great amount of time fine-tuning our custom scripts to suit or workflow desires. I think it would be a huge improvement overall for the forum to allow users to openly share their script files with transparency. This would help users troubleshoot their script issues autonomously, induce sparks of creativity, and foster a much more positive environment for the community overall.

I know there has been some mention about this in another thread but I would like to emphasize how useful it would be for the Remotify community forum to allow uploading of script files that exceed the 2MB upload size limit.

My suggestion would be to incorporate this either within the existing Controller Templates forum category or a dedicated category. Or another idea would be to introduce a discord server which seems like a standard for most online communities these days.

Thanks for letting me share these thoughts here and thanks for all the hard work and support. Much respect!


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6 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Same here, would love to share my big scripts to get some crazy good stuff back.
I feel like some stuff the others create is so good that it would make the best controller ever...

Control Surface Studio User

That's exactly how I feel. We know the possibilities of CSS are incredibly vast but there should be a "script toy box" section somewhere online. I would be very interested in seeing a trophy case of CSS user's hard work. I think this would also increase sales for Remotify too. The learning curve of advanced features is very steep for us beginners with little to no coding experience.

Of course, I there should be a disclaimer statement to explain that these "example scripts" are not guarunteed to work for every controller and no support will be provided from the creator. Ultimately, these would be for reference purposes only and there may be some bugs or unexpected script behavior. This could encourage people to share their scripts without feeling any burden of comittment to their shared work.

Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions on how we could make this a reality?

I'm currently working out a few bugs on my Launchpad mini Mk3 script right now but it's a pretty robust script that I gladly welcome anyone to disect and learn from. Why do all the work that has already been done? Let's save each other some time and headaches! I will post a google drive link for this script as soon as I fix some bugs but I may also just create a separate thread entitled "Share Your CSS Scripts Here!" unless that seems abrasive or obnoxious in any way. I'm open to any/all ideas! Peace!

Control Surface Studio User

Maybe the best would be a github rep so the organisation is more easy. And we would have Versions....

Control Surface Studio User

Hi guys,

You are completely right!!
Since there are some nice people here that want to share their scripts and tips ;-) I have started a simple Google Drive solely for that purpose.
It is a very simple and straightforward setup. Nothing as fancy as Discord or GitHub yet. But it is a starting point that is feasible for me to maintain.

I have asked for approval from John and he gave the green light. Although it is important to know that it is an unofficial service. The scripts on the drive are made for the users, by the users.
You can mail or upload the scripts, I will try to keep everything as tidy as I can on the drive so users won't get lost as the list grows.

I am sure there are some questions, read the 'What is this?' document on the drive, there you can also leave messages or mail me at the address given in the document.

As time goes by, I will also add more of the existing scripts already posted here on the forum together with the forum link.

Here is the Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1764sz90PCuw-aoyomaPgYzl-_IzX9ibH...

Hope you like it!

Control Surface Studio User

Wim, thanks so much for taking the time to put this together. This is really nice and seems simple and direct. I like the github idea too but this works for me. I hope it doesn;t become cubersome to maintain but thanks again for doing all of this!

I'm going to send over my updated Launchpad Mini Mk3 script to - it is a bit more polished now. I also have diagrams for the 3 mode functions in the script that I will send over.

Forum Admin

Hi guys,

Firstly a big thanks to Wim for putting this together!
it's an ideal starting point and I like the idea of using github in the future to get the added versioning capability.

But for now let's see how this evolves :)
