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Parameters jump when switching banks with MIDI Fighter Twister

Submitted by sproxx on Wed, 02/09/2022 - 18:53
Control Surface Studio User

Hi, I’m just getting started with CSS, and I’ve set up my MF Twister so that the first bank on the Twister itself controls device banks (selected device), and the second bank controls mixer parameters for the selected track. It appears to be working fine until I go from the device bank to the mixer bank and then back again using the side buttons on the Twister. When I return to the device bank, the parameters are all messed up (and so is the sound the device produces, it took me a few headscratches to figure out what was going on!). Is there something I’m missing?

Other than this, I really love the prospect of this app, and hope to see it expanded with plenty more features.

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3 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Hi sproxx,
I am guessing the 'Control Override' in your 'Parameter' script is set to 'Default'.
Set it to 'Custom' and set 'Takeover Mode' to 'Pickup'.
That should do the trick ;-)

Control Surface Studio User

Thank you very much for getting back to me, after a quick test, that does seem to have done the trick! Cheers!

Control Surface Studio User

Great, thanks for your feedback!
You are welcome!
Glad it worked out all right :-)