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Parameter Banking Issue

Submitted by Mathew Schreiber on Wed, 05/25/2022 - 13:15
Mathew Schreiber
Free User

Hi, I'm using the following script for DJTT Midifighter Twister which is based on CSS script.


I know it is a known issue and wondering if the Parameter Banking fix is on the roadmap?
Currently it is not possible to select and control multiple Parameter Banks for the selected Device which limits the control to only 16 parameters.

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1 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Hello, I'm trying to set up a second device parameter bank for my Midifighter Twister. Since it didn't work in my complex script, I tried a very simple setup, closely looking at the manual, but I can't get it to work.
In my simple script, I created 2 parameter banks with 4 parameters. Furthermore, I created two mappings from the type "parameter banking". Each is mapped to a different momentary button, and set directly "Select Bank Number" 1 or 2. I tried different control types, absolute, on/off, increments. The problem is that nothing is happening when I press the bank buttons. No text appears in Live that another bank is selected and no LED highlight. Only the first bank stays active.

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