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PARAMETER BANK BUG(corrupts script): get_device_chain_target error:

Submitted by Martin Nielsen on Sun, 12/05/2021 - 11:06
Martin Nielsen
Control Surface Studio User

Error message

get_device_chain_target error:
we cant currently handle device selectors of type: Called by config_module

Keep getting this error - when trying to export to live

I think theres a problem with the paramter bank mappings - and it corrupts the script file entirely :/

It happens after trying to add paramter banks -

First it doesnt add correct number of paramters - some is missing - eg can be first last, middle of the list of parameters

Also sometimes instead of banks - when you click the settings tab it shows paramter settings - NOT BANK settings

I tried to delete and add banks again - until it shows a correct list

All seems fine – except then I get the error message when trying to export

After that the file is corrupted and cant be exported – Even if I try removing everything and starting from scratch


Made a fresh volume mapping to test it – and got the same error when trying to export

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4 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Hello, I have encountered the same/similar problems whenever I want to change the number of parameters on a 'Parameter Bank'.
As soon as you have altered the number of parameters, several things can occur:
- the 'Parameter Bank' shows the parameter mapping type instead of the parameter bank mapping type
- the 'Parameter Bank' vanishes
- the number of parameters did not alter correctly

Luckily, I have found some kind of a solution;
Sometimes, the number of parameters you put in the right pane does not always accord with the number of parameters shown in the left pane after some coding.

- First correct the number in the right pane to the number of parameters shown left.
- Then put your desired amount in the right pane.
Now it should work :)

However, this is only a solution if you check the numbers beforehand..
So if you ever did forget to check and your script is now flawed, I discovered a workaround so you do not lose your (piece of) script.

Directly after you have altered the number of parameters (and you encounter one of the aforementioned or even other occurrences) copy the 'Track Selector' (so you have a backup) and move that copy to a new Script.
It is possible that you still need to change the parameter number in the right pane again, so check that.
Now move the new 'Track Selector' to your original script and delete the old one.

For me, it did the trick at least a couple of times, hopefully, it can be of help to others.

Forum Admin

if you get this error: get_device_chain_target error:
Try creating a new script, drag all of the modes/mappings into it and you should be good to go.

Pro User

I am facing this problem! and I still didn't manage to solve it... it was the first time that this happened!
I hope you will find a solution or a shorter one

Forum Admin

Fix added to prevent running into the get_device_chain_target error https://remotify.io/community/question/getdevicechaintarget-error-fixed