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Open Sound Control (OSC)

Submitted by drain on Sun, 01/15/2017 - 14:10
Free User

any plans on implementing OSC in the near future?

4 Responses


Forum Admin

Not at present, although I do think this would be awesome at some point.



Free User

Hi there,
i m thinking about buying Remotify, but my Liveset relies heavily on the awesomeness of OSC Touch-Control. Is Remotify useful for OSC nowadays (being able to send Tracknames, Clipnames, Clip-Progress, things like these, to the OSC interface? If not, is there any hope that OSC support will come this year? :D Best greetings

Rainer Geissendoerfer
Control Surface Studio User

Would really appreciate if you could support OSC!!!

Pro User

me too,would appreciate it