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one button to send 8 to max and volume to zero and vice versa

Submitted by benwadub on Wed, 05/04/2022 - 09:54
Control Surface Studio User

hi, I need a button to send my send 7 to max and the volume to minimum and I need it to make the opposite when I repress the button, I can t find how to do it in reactions, if anyone got an idea it would be nice!

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5 Responses


Forum Admin

With regards to doing one action when button is pressed down, and a different action when button is released:
Have 1 reaction, the listener being your button
Add 2 action blocks (one for each button state: pressed, released)
Add a condition in each block, which checks the velocity value of the button (midi controller > current velocity values > YOUR BUTTON)
The condition in the first action block should say: BUTTON is EQUAL T0, 127
And in the second block the condition should say: BUTTON is not EQUAL T0 127

Control Surface Studio User

Thanks, I want a different reaction which two different press on it, not when press and release, the velocity trick will work like this? My button must be set as momentary?

Ruzbeh Resaei
Control Surface Studio User

Hi John C I have a similar problem I'm trying to solve:

I have a momentary button and I wanna send my send 1 to max in shift mode. Shift mode works as Live displays the shift mode when I press the shift button. However I can't manage to send the value of the send 1 to max when pressed.

I tried to follow your suggestions, but it doesn't work:

Listener: Button 1o was pressed
Action Block1:
Condition: Button 10 latest velocity value is equal - 127
Action: MIDI Controller - send MIDI velocity value to Controller input Knob1 Value 127
Action Block2:
Condition: Button 10 latest velocity value is not equal - 127
Action: MIDI Controller - send MIDI velocity value to Controller input Knob1 Value 0

Any ideas how I can achieve this?

Ruzbeh Resaei
Control Surface Studio User

I forgot to mention that Knob1 controls Send1

Ruzbeh Resaei
Control Surface Studio User

Also, I tried to assign pressing the momentary button to send 1 max value without using the shift mode. No success :(

Any help is appreciated