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Novation Launch Control

Submitted by timmons on Wed, 08/19/2020 - 04:49
Control Surface Studio User

Hi everyone,

I put together a controller template for the Novation Launch Control.

MIDI/CC needs to be updated as I've got it set for the values that I've programmed the unit for.


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16 Responses


Free User

So how we supposed to use this ?

Free User

I tried to import this data but after selecting a file nothing happens.

Forum Admin


Make sure you are importing it in the controller template section, not scripts.

Free User

Still nothing ! Perhaps I am doing something wrong. I just copied the code and saved it with the Notepad as txt file. When I try to import nothing happens no errors no nothing. Perhaps it's a bug in a program, not sure. Can you explain how we supposed to use this, please

Forum Admin

Make sure it is saved as a .json file (not txt), then you can import it

Control Surface Studio User

I don't suppose anyone has made a LaunchControl XL template?

Control Surface Studio User

Thanks so much for sharing this - saved me some time!

Control Surface Studio User

@ckubi, I just uploaded the XL as well (on a new topic) in case that's useful to you as well

Control Surface Studio User

Allow me to drop my script. Unlike yours, the buttons on my script are replaced with pads. This allows, according to my opinion, to better reproduce the pads. Also, the two buttons (templates - User and Facory) by themselves do not send any midi commands. Only in conjunction with the pads do they send a nine-byte midi-channel message that can only be used with the M4L. The message itself will not be picked up by CSS - correct me if I'm wrong.

Control Surface Studio User

Thanks Oxo! This edit makes a lot of sense. More than anything, I just wanted to get the drawing done as that can be the thing that people enjoy doing the least! :)

Control Surface Studio User

@timmons. Have you read the reference guide for launchcontrol? There is a described mode that allows you to get a larger palette and a flash mode for the LED. I haven't had time to check it out yet. Nevertheless, my script includes color assignments for flashing mode.
From what I read, I conclude that in order to start this mode, some messages should be sent to the controller beforehand.
I will try to check it in my free time.


Bradford Ross-MacLeod
Control Surface Studio User

Am i wrong or are both of these templates for the original LaunchControl and not the XL? The template layout to me looking like the original.

Bradford Ross-MacLeod
Control Surface Studio User

Nevermind on that last message. I realize I was looking at two different threads here. My bad.

Antoine GUEST
Free User

How can I import your templates into my session? I have saved your text into a textedit file. Replaced the .rtf by .json and tried to import it but nothing happened. Is it because I'm using the trial version?

Antoine GUEST
Free User

For all people wondering how to import templates from this thread here is the solution.
Right click on the the link and save link as...
From CSS go to controller templates and import the file.


Forum Admin

How to import scripts and controller templates: https://youtu.be/IKMqP01bs2M