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Note Remap?

Submitted by chillbeast on Fri, 08/18/2017 - 10:03
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

Just getting into Remotify, really liking it so far!

A cool/useful feature would be the ability to remap notes with led feedback depending on which "mode" you are in.

For example it would be neat to be able to change what notes end up as the final output for a 4x4 grid of RGB buttons so you could have another button transpose them all up by 16 (so in effect you could have it normally be playing the first 16 pads on a default drum rack, then transpose up to the next page of the drum rack)....

hopefully that makes sense, it could have other uses like making your own custom "Scale Mode" or even a hybrid Scale/ Drum Rack mode (Scale on one side, Drum Rack on the other)

Anyhow, just some ideas! Thanks for the great app!

1 Responses


Forum Admin


This would be a very nice to have, we don't currently have Drum Rack/ Instrument functionality but is something we would love to include with this sort of functionality.

Thanks for the suggestion.
