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None-toggling buttons

Submitted by zenaudio on Fri, 03/29/2019 - 18:46
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

Hi guys,

Still working on my script. Is it possible to create a button which turns on a track or device but subsequent pushes don't turn it off?

My use case is quite simple. I want to create a single button that unmutes all tracks. I created a second set of mute mappings for my tracks which are all mapped to one button but when pressed it just flips the state of the mutes.

Is it possible to only send an On state message from a button?

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2 Responses


Forum Admin

Yes you should be able to do this. What you can do is set the Off value to something other than the MIDI Value your Button sends when it turns Off.

In the Script Mapping, set
'Control' to 'Custom'
Set 'Control Type' to On/Off
You can now set the On / Off Values which Live should listen for.
Set the On value to the correct MIDI Value and Off to anything other than the correct Off value.

You should then only be able to turn the Mapping on :)

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Pro User

That's great John! Thanks so much for this.