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New API functions?

Submitted by meltphace26 on Tue, 07/24/2018 - 20:54
Free User

Hello Devs,

With the new API out will there be updates in the near future? I have already patched myself a duplicate track functionality, and looking for more cool stuff :)

8 Responses


Forum Admin


Yes, there are a lot of updates on the way with new features.
We are currently rebuilding our entire framework to allow each mapping type to be a lot more customisable than they currently are. We are planning to ditch Ableton's own framework as much as possible to allow for this to happen.
Then on top of that, we will be adding many new features and lots of cool new stuff that we couldn't do previously.

Pro User

Awesome. That means that there would be a post about the new features like a change log or something?

Can't wait!!!

Free User

Sounds good, when is a sneak peek due? Is there a roadmap? I'm very intrigued as I have also started working on a lot of my own code upon discovering the new API just after I bought pro... :)

Forum Admin

At the moment I can say that the new version will be a culmination of each and every comment we have received / conversations had on email and this forum.

Aside from new 'features' (which are still be researched), how you can control every Ableton Live function is going to be thrown completely open to you. Configurations such as setting max / min values will be possible.
Plus the limitations on what you can use to control a function will be removed. You'll be able to use any button, knob, encoder or pad to control whichever piece of Live functionality you like.
Incremental/decremental button mappings will also be possible, for example you'll be able to increase / decrease the position of a send using buttons.
We will also be improving the workflow/UI of the App to allow for quicker mapping speed. There's more to this too but that's under wraps for now :)

Once we get a little further in, I may upload some mockups for review so it would be absolutely amazing if everyone could give their opinions on them!!
And yes, hopefully a feature roadmap will be available once everything is finalised.


Pro User


Pro User

Wouhouhou :) great news !!! can't wait for the remotify update.
Love & strength to the developers ;)

Forum Admin

Thanks guys, we're working tirelessly on this :)

Pro User

Are there any news about that update?
And will it be free for Pro Users?