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Submitted by xustaka on Mon, 07/09/2018 - 18:42
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

How can be possible that in 2 years no major upgrade has been done??

We wait to control macros in selected channels as master and sends for ages... It can not so hard I guess...

Also would be nice if you can set de range from 0-127 (for fader volumes to reach 0dB and not 6dB for example)

Come on guys, you can do it better!!! make this app the best!!


4 Responses


Forum Admin

Hey Xustaka :)

Man, there have been many many upgrades in the last 2 years and a lot more on their way. New features introduce a lot of bugs so we've been making the current feature set stable before adding more.
Plus a lot of people were having difficulty understanding the app, so we have been devoting a lot of time to improving content and the website itself too.

Being able to set the range has been requested a few times and hopefully we can get this in too.
It's great to see that you're still around (one of our earliest members!).


Pro User

Hey John!
I'm sorry for my forms, I've been struggling with python coding (with no knowledge of programming) the entire week and i was pretty upset.

Say that, i'm very happy with you guys, It's just a matter of time I ask for this upgrades... Keep going! It could be the best app for Ableton ever!!


Forum Admin

Thanks :) don't worry, there is a lot on the way.


Pro User

Cool ! nice to hear that :) can't wait <3