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Multiple Ableton mappings for one set of buttons

Submitted by Aqenra on Mon, 03/23/2020 - 09:06
Control Surface Studio User

Hi Remotify!

Is it possible to give a button of my APC20 multiple functions trough Abletons midi mapping?

For example the APC20 has a button (note mode); if pressed it forces the buttons to give a different midi signal to Ableton. That way I can give a set of buttons two functions depending on whether I pressed note mode.

I tried Remotify's Modes but (if I'm correct) that only applies to mappings that are offered from within Remotify's script and not from Abletons midi mapping. Abletons midi mapping seems to override the Remotify script.

Im aware that I can give buttons multiple functions with the Red box. This however is limited to the sessionbox offcourse.

Thanks for the great service! Remotify saves me so much effort.

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2 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi, yes you can add as many functions as you like to a single button and this isn't limited to just the red box.
Our scripts don't alter the midi signal in any way, it instead fires multiple functions inside Live when a specific midi message is received, this removes the need for any midi manipulation.

Its not possible to change Live's internal mappings, this is separate from the remote script ecosystem.

Free User

Does the free version have this feature? I want a single midi message to trigger multiple things in Ableton. E.g. play a clip and arm a specific track.

Yet I can't assign more than one mapping to the same MIDI message - e.g. I get the error:
"You've already used these midi messages in your arm mapping 'track 3 arm'. Change the midi channel, midi type, midi value or mode."

And there seems no way to create a "multiple mapping" - unless this is a pro feature and resides in the mysterious "session box"?