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multi track control with more than one script / controller ?

Submitted by forevernow on Wed, 11/30/2016 - 07:50
Free User


Firstly thanks for creating this.. im hoping it can help create some very clever stuff :)

Questions.. ( BTW - i do have pro version)

- If multiple controllers are setup, each with a separate script, can more than one device be "blue hand" mapped and controlled at the same time ?

- Can you please explain a little more how session navigation works int the sfw ? I can create a "red box", but not move it around for some reason. the sfw requests you fill in values for each box - what should these be ?

- I'd like to create more than one session box ( different colours) (each on separate controllers), and be able to use each to simultaneously control racks on separate tracks. Can this work ?

hope that make sense.. I will continue to try..

14 Responses


Free User

HI.. I Made some progress, but still struggling with "session box control" - device focus does not follow the session box ( 1x1 grid) that i have created, and the "track type" options do not allow for this. Can you please explain how to set this up?

Ideally i will have 2 session boxes, each using separate scripts ( identical, but using different midi controllers, and cc numbers) - each able to "blue hand" the rack of the channel currently selected by the session box. (ie, not the main selected track in live).


Forum Admin

Hi forevernow,

Welcome to the world of Remotify Pro, I hope you're enjoying it! :)

- if I understand you right, yes you can map multiple devices to control the "bluehand" device

- With regards to the session/red box, have you added session navigation controls to your script and it won't move?

- This is a good question, as far as I'm aware the session boxes should all move independently from eachother - and use different colours. However, a developer I was chatting with recently thinks the code generated by Remotify will actually link the session boxes together (this hasn't been confirmed by anyone as yet though).
I don't have access to multiple controllers at the moment to test this sorry, maybe another Pro member reading thiswould like to give it a go?

Free User

Thanks i am. If i can get past these initial hurdles have a great lemur template idea to share with the world ( along side some older ones with many users)

Thanks - i fixed the navigation part, but confirm that when i have more than one Remotify script running, each with their own session box their movements are linked together for some reason. Im using lemur with multiple virtual inputs, each with their own midi port and script, which should be seen by Live as unique interfaces. Glad to hear its not my programming, and hope you can fix.. Happy to assist with files etc so let me know.

This issue is

Forum Admin

Hey, thanks for confirming this.

The session boxes being linked together is kind of a feature, albeit an unexpected on.
Obviously we need an option to be able to turn session box linking on & off.

I think the main issue with us just turning it off for now is that, the code which is linking them together is also what's used to make things relative inside session box when you move it. So for example, the volume will always control the first track inside the session box but turn the linking off and it will only control the overall track 1 volume (I hope that makes sense).

I'll look into this and see if there's anything we can do short term.

Free User

Thanks- the concept I'm trying to build only has one column per box , but has multiple boxes being controlled each with their own script- all from a single lemur screen- with this ,each box can simultaneously and dynamically blue hand its particular channel - should
Be cool!

Forum Admin

Sounds like a very interesting script mate!

What I can do for now is, if you get your script how you want it first, then email it to me or post it here and I'll edit the code so that they aren't linked.

Free User

nice one thanks. will get cracking !

Free User

HI.. having a few issue and strange behaviour. Before i send you the 4 scripts to unlink the session navigation, i wanted to test a single instance to make sure there are no issues and not waste your time.

1) couple things about allowed syntax. Can i use underscore or dashs ( _ or - ) when naming mappings?
2) i'm having some strange behaviour with a single session nav box. It moves, but i have to hit the midi button several times ( 7 on average) before the box moves, and its not reliable or consistent. My midi monitor shows the message arriving perfectly on each press. any ideas on what could cause this ?
3) when using session navigation - can you confirm that i should be selecting "selected" for track type in the relevant windows. ?

I'e attached the json file and a screen image of the lemur setup ( so you can see what i working on). at this stage on the blue section is configured with remotify json file.

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Free User

and image from lemur

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Forum Admin


1) couple things about allowed syntax. Can i use underscore or dashs ( _ or - ) when naming mappings?

- You can use underscores (spaces auto convert to underscores). Dashes will probably break your script.
Also don't use number at the start of your names as that will also break scripts.

2) i'm having some strange behaviour with a single session nav box. It moves, but i have to hit the midi button several times ( 7 on average) before the box moves, and its not reliable or consistent. My midi monitor shows the message arriving perfectly on each press. any ideas on what could cause this ?

- Maybe try switching the momentary option from "no" to "yes" or vice versa. Are you using a CC or Note of Session Box Navigation?

3) when using session navigation - can you confirm that i should be selecting "selected" for track type in the relevant windows. ?

- Umm, you shouldn't get an option for "track type" in session navigation, could you post a screenshot if you are seeing this.

Thanks for posting up your json & screenshot, looks like a very interesting bit of work! :)



Free User

Hi John,

Thanks for help so far.

1) Ive fixed the navigation issue ( in lemur the button is momentory(aka pad in lemur speak), but in the script is needed to be set to no.

2) Now have issues with what i will term as "track focus" , ( above i used the term track type). The blue box will move around, but the focus of the device parameters does not follow it, ie its fixed on the master track selection. In the mapping section for "Device parameters" you can only select "track type= selected or specific" - it seems to me that there should be a 3rd option of "track type = session_box", that being the dynamically selected track of the session box - i think that makes sense ?

3) another question about "device control"- i can control the parameters of the 1st device in the chain no problem, and can select the next/previous device using the appropriate scripting. However the "device chain" numbering is fixed, so when moving to the second device int he chain ( which selects ok), the mapping of control does not move and still controls dev #1 in the chain. Im not sure what use "next/previous device" is if the controls do not follow this selection and that the mapping in the script is not dynamic. Again it feels like there should be a 3rd option in the mapping section for "device chain number = dynamic", rather than all options being fixed. The only work around i can see is to create a midi button for each device,1,2,3,4,5,6 etc etc but this does not work well (limitations), and still leaves the question what is "next device/previous device" mapping for ? Perhaps im missing something..

anyway.. progress is being made.. thanks for any help you can provide..

Forum Admin

Hi Joe,

1) Great stuff, yeah if the momentary selection isn't right on session navigation it messes it up pretty bad.

2) I've had the same thing happen with the blue hand not moving on device selection.
To fix this, what I just do is in the Ableton parameters, where you add your midi remote script as a "control surface". I also select "ADVANCE" as a control surface but don't assign an input/output to it, Make sure you select it above your own script and then the blue hand will follow your device selection.
(see attached image)
Also, if you choose "specific" and are using a session box, then it should already be relative to the tracks within the session box rather than the entire project. Is this not the case for you?

3) Basically if you have the blue hand following your device selection correctly (see my fix above), when you select the previous / next device the parameters will automatically switch to the new selection - as long as you used "track type: selected" and "Device chain number: selected"

Hope this all helps :)

Forum Admin

Sorry, forgot to upload the screenshot.

Free User

Great.. will try this out later today when i have time - my settings do differ a bit so this is promising- thanks John.