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move remotify to new computer

Submitted by clatyonc on Thu, 12/29/2022 - 22:03
Control Surface Studio User

im wanting to move my remotify setup to another computer. I've noticed that when I install remotify on my new computer it comes up empty with none of my scripts.

are there some folders/files on my old Mac that I should copy? or should I export all templates and scripts I've made so I can import them into the new setup on the new computer?

if I don't have to export and import individually that would be good.

any advice appreciated.

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1 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

just for anyone else trying to do this. I exported all my scripts and templates from my old computer. when I imported them onto the new computer there was bit of mucking around as the scripts had lost their links to the templates so I had to reselect the templates in each script. Other than that it was pretty smooth.

given that remotify is unstable at times, my advice is to export your scripts and templates every time you make large changes, then at least you have a backup.