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MIDI/user mode

Submitted by aventham77 on Sun, 12/19/2021 - 11:10
Control Surface Studio User

I'd like to be able to send my controller's MIDI CC commands on into Ableton via the remote script (rather than have to omit those controls out of the controller script altogether).
Either (or both!) of the following options would be great:
a) configure an individual control to send MIDI CC data into Ableton, in addition to its script-defined functional mapping;
b) a "shift" mode (a bit like the Push 2 "user" mode) in which all other controls just send MIDI CC data through into Ableton.

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2 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

I've finally found a way to do option a) - but it requires a Max4Live device called ControlChange8.5 (or a functional equivalent).
This cunning little device can be used to associate its Ableton-mapped parameters with CCs that they will emit when moved. Its parameters are indexed as follows:
on/off is the parameter with index 0;
the CC number dropdown menus are associated with the 8 controls are indexed 1-8;
the CC value knobs are indexed 9-16 (I'm just targeting the first few of these from my CSS script).
Then in CSS, I've created reactions to button presses that loop through the selected track to find the index of this device (within a chain in my case), target its parameters and set their values to match the buttons' values.
So now each of the buttons that I'd already configured to switch parameter banks also send the necessary MIDI CC messages to show the corresponding page of macro controls in Analog Lab.
For now I'm pretty chuffed just to be able to do that, but I have a feeling that the same technique could be put to a number of other uses...

Control Surface Studio User

Waw, great tip aventham77!!
Thanks for sharing!
I will be trying that one out for sure :-)