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Midi Scripts wont show up in Lives Midi Options

Submitted by etur.usheo on Tue, 01/10/2017 - 11:12
Pro User

So first of all thank you for this amazing way of editing your controllers for Ableton.

I just finshed some scripts to test with my controllers in Live and everything worked fine for the first few atempts. But somehow later on Live doesnt show new Midi scripts which i copied into the Midi script folder, while the first one still was in there and also shown as chosable script for the controller.
I renamed the new folder started Live again but still the same problem, the newer scripts wont show up in Lives Options to choose from.

Running Live on Mac, anybody had similar issues or knows what to do ?

Thanks a lot !

10 Responses


Forum Admin


Did you name those scripts or any of the mappings in them with a number at the start by any chance (i.e. 1midiscript).
This will break the script and cause it not to show up as a control surface option.



Pro User

Just found out that if you use a dash symbol "-" it won't show up in the MIDI Remote scripts list neither.


Forum Admin

Oh, dashes should be converted to underscores, will need to investigate why this isn't happening.

Was it the script name or mapping where you found this happening?


Pro User

The dash was in the script name. Can't remember if I used some for the mapping names though.

Forum Admin

Ok thanks for letting me know!


Pro User

hi John,

as I use the 2 identical controller, with different MIDI settings I named them AKAI1 & AKAI2.
If they are recognized by Ableton they work 100% fine. But lately i wanted to update some functions and removed the personalized script folder from the Live Midi script folder. Next time i start ableton they wont show up in the Script selection :/

Seems like it depends on luck if ableton recognizes them.

Forum Admin

Did you edit the scripts yourself?
If so, its possible an error has been introduced somewhere in them.

Upload your log.txt file here or email it to me and I'll take a look for errors.
Or if you want to have a look yourself, open the log.txt file and search for: remote script error


Forum Admin

Sorry, the term you would want to search for in log.txt is:

Pro User

Hey, I think I managed to find my error. I removed every "-" from Script name as well as mapping names. Also "_" seemed to let Ableton not show any Scripts. So appearently if you use any oth them (-/_) in Script or mapping names ABleton wont let you show your personalized scripts in the MIDI options. Now everything of the mapping works fine.

Hope this helps somebody as well.
Thanks for the help John and a good weekend to everybody.

Forum Admin

Hi, this is correct. I actually fixed these bugs earlier in the week along with preventing users from beginning script names and mapping names with numbers, as this was another cause of scripts breaking.

I wrote a forum topic regarding these fixes here:
Glad you got yours working anyway!
