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Midi Resolution on Steroids (#14BitCC, #NRPNs, #OSC)

Submitted by MidiNerd on Thu, 03/12/2020 - 14:32
Control Surface Studio User

Hi all,

CSS is a truly great tool, really is! I've recently purchased it and I love it.

@John Carney: I've read your story behind remotify on the blog, super inspiring! I can perfectly relate to developing something relentlessly and puttting hell of a lot of blood, sweat and tears in it. Good job there, much appreciated! <3

Now, correct me if I'm wrong here, but midi CCs within CSS seem to be 7 bit (i.e. 128 steps) only at the moment, right? For serious mixing, however, I need more than 128 steps on say a volume fader or on an EQ8 frequency knob to get nice and smooth parameter movements and detailed control over the sound.

So my question is:
1) Could support for 14 bit CC messages (i.e. NRPNs, 16384 steps) be implemented in CSS or is that currently too hard to do?
2) Or is there any other workaround for getting finer parameter control? What is the maximum number of steps when using endless encoders? I don't want to spend any money on a new controler with endless encoders if that would also only give me 128 steps.

Thanks for your help everyone :)

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1 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

P.S: looking at iOS Ableton Live control apps Iike "LK" or "touchAble" I think OSC support would be the remedy for lots of the midi limitations that we face and open up a whole new world of possibilities for CSS/remotify. Especially with hardware like the Specialwaves Mine S being around the corner, which will offer native OSC support and native 12 bit knobs/encoders/faders.
touchAble Pro - Features: https://youtu.be/R4_GRVPbDn8
LK - Ableton Live & Midi Controller for iOS and Android: https://youtu.be/SFKUaEzT-7o
Specialwaves Mine S: https://special-waves.com/