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midi monitoring doesn't work

Submitted by M4nfredsen on Sun, 02/02/2020 - 18:24
Free User

Hi everyone,

I want to set up a new controller layout for my A&H Xone:K2.
In midi monitoring the controller is recognised, but if I'm using any of the controls, no midi messages are received.
Ableton however does receive midi messages. Any clue?

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9 Responses


Forum Admin

Can you clarify this a litte bit for me please.
Are you referring to 'midi monitoring' inside Control Surface Studio?
Also, do you mean that if midi monitoring is turn on in CSS and you move a physical input on your controller, the midi message does not show up in the midi monitor menu?

Free User

Yes, I mean the 'midi monitoring' in css and yes, the midi message doesn't show up.

Forum Admin

Is the name of your controller displayed in the 'Connected MIDI Inputs' area of the midi monitoring area?

Free User


Forum Admin

If it's picking that up then midi monitoring should be working.
With midi monitoring menu open and turned on, when you turn/press an input on your controller, do any values appear in the 'Latest MIDI Message received' section?
If they do then this tells us that midi monitoring is working correctly and the problem must be something else.

Free User

That's exactly the problem, there are no values appearing.

Forum Admin

hmm very strange, if the name of the controller is appearing that it means it is detected and should receive midi data.
Do you have anything running in between which would be blocking the midi messages? software or hardware

Free User

Hi, it was a driver issue.. After reinstalling the driver it works fine. Anyway thanks for your support John.

Forum Admin

Glad you got it sorted.