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Midi leds turn on when I close ableton

Submitted by Ismael Gómez on Sat, 02/11/2023 - 06:28
Ismael Gómez
Control Surface Studio User

Hi, I made my script and it works fine, no control problems, perfect led feedback, etc, but every time I close ableton all of the leds of my midi controller turns on and doesn´t turn off until I disconect the midi controller, it's very annoying that every time I close ableton I need to disconect and conect my midi controller to turn leds off. I want to know if there´s a way to fix this. Thanks!!!

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2 Responses


Forum Admin

You should be able to use the reaction listener 'script > script is disconnected' and then send midi velocity values to each input on your controller which turn the LED off.
To do this, use the action, 'midi controller > send midi velocity value to input'
Select the input, then set the velocity value - which will likely be 0, or sometimes 4.

For your second question, you may need to use reactions instead of the highlight navigation mapping type.
This video tutorial will be of help to you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pz-3LP6BiFo&ab_channel=remotify

Control Surface Studio User

Im having this same issue, I followed your steps John, no luck. APC40 MK1