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Midi Fighter Twister - can’t change banks

Submitted by davelouca on Sun, 01/01/2023 - 10:10
Control Surface Studio User

Hiya, I’ve built a script using SendStorm as a base and am really happy with it. It works on a single bank. However, when I select and 2, 3 or 4 on the Midi Fighter Twister, it’s colours change to show that it has changed banks but the functions assigned in control surface studio to those new banks of buttons do not work, effectively it is bank 1 functions (my original single bank) on bank 2, 3 or 4 colours.

Have I missed a place to code the bank change function to the side buttons in control surface studio? Or is this an Ableton or Midi Fighter Twister problem.

Any one have an idea? Would appreciate the help. I’ve separately added a ticket with DJ tech tools.

Many thanks

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5 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

I should say that I have actually set it up in control surface studio to have different controls on 3 different banks.

Control Surface Studio User

I kindof ran into a similar issue - What I decided to do was to ditch the 'virtual Banks' that come with Midi Twister in Lieu of a simplified '1 bank' Midi twister CSS and use the power of modes etc through CSS to 'program' changing banks. I found this is far easier and more customizable to use than the virtual banks the twister ships with. If you'd like I can share my simplified json.

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Control Surface Studio User

Good idea. That’ll work as a work around. I could use the side buttons to change modes instead. Shame that it needs to be this way really. But thank you.

Control Surface Studio User

If anyone else has this same issue, I had a response from DJ Tech Tools, which was fast and fixed it…

“I'm sorry to hear that configuring your unit is giving you a bit of trouble.
It sounds like your unit doesn't have the correct firmware installed at factory. Can you please try to reload the Factory Firmware as the image below illustrates?

Note. Select any of four firmware options available if you have a single Twister. It only changes the device name.”

Go to Midi Fighter Utility > click Tools > Midifighter > Load Factory Firmware.

You can then select any of the 4 firmwares. Usually just the top one (2, 3 and 4 are for if you have multiple MFs)

Control Surface Studio User

cool - glad you got that sorted.
In case this is useful for anyone else I cleaned up the script and controller .json and attached here. the six side buttons select 6 different modes. you could also easily change the script to 'increment/decrement' through the modes using the side middle buttons to mimic the Twisters factory functionality.