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MIDI Fighter 3D Script; Live only detects plain MIDI

Submitted by sproxx on Wed, 02/09/2022 - 21:31
Control Surface Studio User

I'm trying to build a basic script for my MIDI Fighter 3D, but it seems like no matter what I do, Live only detects its input as plain MIDI. I've used MIDI learn in CSS to map out the buttons, I've set up stop, play, session record and arrangement record for the first four buttons, just to try it out. The script installs successfully, and shows up in Live. I set it to track and remote in the settings, as described, but still, Live only picks it up as basic incoming MIDI. If I turn off "track" in the settings, nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?

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6 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Hi Sproxx,
I loaded your script.
1) Make sure the correct 'Controller Template' is selected, It's possible you did but I can't see that. (click on the gear symbol of MF3D and choose the correct 'Controller Template')
2) When I click on the gear symbol of the mappings (Stop, Play,..) I notice the 'Controller Input' is blank. You should choose your input controller there (knob or button 1 for instance). When I imported your script those were empty ;-)
Hopefully, those two tips can help you out!

Control Surface Studio User

Hmm, I noticed something I wasn’t aware of, since my 3D has mostly been gathering dust. Each button appears to be sending both a note message and a CC, and the CC was what CSS detected with MIDI learn (at least with a quick tap; a longer press seems to be seen as a note). So when I changed the value to note in CSS and disabled "track" in Live’s settings, it seems to be working. The 3D does behave a little strangely in the MIDI Fighter utility, though. When I click any of the on-screen buttons, it just goes black, and "off" briefly displays underneath the controller layout. If I click it again, the value changes to "on", but the button remains black. I was kind of expecting to be able to select and change the individual buttons’ behaviour on the 3D, like I can with my Twister.

Control Surface Studio User

I do not own a Midi Fighter, so I can't tell for sure but it does seem like strange behavior! Do you have the latest firmware installed? If not maybe that can help. If I am not mistaken you can also check that from the MIDI Fighter utility.

I do have midi device whose pads also send CC's and notes.
In the "Controller Templates" section of CSS I made another (virtual) set of pads. One set of pads is assigned to CC's and the other one is assigned to notes, that way I can even use both.

Control Surface Studio User

Actually, I should possibly have RTFM first… It appears that the 3D isn’t very configurable, and the (way too subtle and kinda cryptic) on/off thing is for the LED colour. Alright, I’m actually kinda stoked now, as I thought there was something wrong with the unit, but I just needed to understand how it works ;P

Control Surface Studio User

Thank you ever so much for your insight, though! Cheers!

Control Surface Studio User

Good thing you solved it anyway ;-)