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Midi Feedback for motor faders

Submitted by aehaem on Sat, 11/11/2017 - 12:52
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

Is there value Feedback for motor faders or endless encoders with led rings with remotify!
I am thinking about bying a motor fader DAW controller, but this would only make sense if the faders will move to the right position, when moving the session box...

24 Responses


Forum Admin


I'm almost 100% sure other people have successfully used motorised fader feedback with their scripts.
Maybe someone who has already tried it can chime in :)

Pro User

is there anybody out there..., using MotorFader???
So how about endless encoders with LED ring(must be the same principle), does the LED ring reflect the new value, when moving the session box to another position,or do you have to move the encoder to bring up the new value?
Is there noone using such equipment?
Or are my English skills that bad, so nooneunderstands (so sorry for that)?
Please, someone doing a little test for me...

Forum Admin

I use a midi fighter twister which has LED rings.
The rings auto update when the linked parameters change inside Ableton or when you turn the encoder.


Pro User

YES buddy, it certainly does!

I'm using a Motor61 - EXCELLENT for this, except i wish the pads had led feedback so I could see the session clips lit up.

Although my specific keyboard seems to need a constant panic or reset to stay Motored (changing power might have helped and there's a firmware update before I try service) as long as the ports are correctly set I get instant feedback on the LED rings AND the faders.

For example, when I move the session box or my tracks the faders move to show the current subset of tracks.

In addition - using the "Tour of Live" demo (you can load it from 'Take a Tour of Live' in the help window) there's a swell that uses 'automation.' That means there are recorded device changes and volume changes.

Well, as it plays, you can watch the fader slide up and abrubptly drop every two bars or whatever, and the LED rings also show the twisting effect changes.

If you move the session box, you'll see the fader that swells move over and continue it's automated movement.

LOVE Remotify. I'm making scripts (sometimes I add things after I have the finished script) that are WAY more advanced than I would have the patience to figure out!

Just want DRUM pads or Instrument! PLEASE!!! lol

Enjoy it and



Forum Admin

Wow that sounds amazing, would love to see the faders moving and led rings changing along with the session playing.

Pro User

I'm gonna do a video showing Remotify's magic on the Conspiracy AND the Motor 61 simultaneously (cause the sessions are linked, so I can start clips on either device, and move the session box from EITHER device) and post you a link.



Forum Admin

Nice! I'm looking forward to it!


Pro User


I did that video the same week, but I've been having trouble figuring out how to load it up so I can post a link here. I'll try to work on that this week.



Pro User

Hi, I also have a question.
I have a behringer cmd lc1 controller with encoders with led feedback
but the value in the endless encoder moves slowly mapped in SEND
I do not know what to do

Forum Admin

Have you tried changing the encoder type to a different option such as 'relative smooth two compliment'?
See attached image

Pro User

Hi John, sorry for delay and bad english!
but, i tried all option and none work right...
absolute = stays in the middle and not move
relative smooth two compliment = work from back to front and very speedy, no led feedback
relative smooth signed bit = work from back to front, fast forward, slow rewind, no led feedback
relative smooth binary offset = WORK! but slowly and no led feedback
i need help!

Control Surface Studio User

Struggling with getting feedback from motorized faders with the Behringer X-Touch, Velocity seems to determine position. and midi value seems almost arbitrary unless at 0 or 124(127 isn't reached for some reason) Has anyone had any luck with this controller?

Pro User

As discussed:

This is an example of remotify with the Samson Conspiracy: launchpad style button work INCLUDING RGB feedback; moving faders and led rings on the motor 61; mode changes; other buttons also programmed.



Pro User

PS for those trying to get feedback on motorized faders or led rings to work, make sure you have input AND OUTPUT set in "Link MIDI" tab of Preferences, and then make sure at least REMOTE is selected lower down where it says, "Midi Ports"

Valentin Kimstedt
Pro User

Please help me with this! I’m using a controller with motorised faders using a script from the desktop application. The problem is, that the faders are stuttering, the motors are working tho I’m pushing the fader. Interestingly I had no issues with a script I made with the free web app, which doesnt support LED feedback I assume. But it sends some feedback anyway, so if I move a parameter from the DAW, the physical fader will also move.
So whats the difference, I checked with midi monitor. The script from the web app sends feedback only once, after the physical controller was moved and released. the script from the desktop app on the other hand sends feedback all the time, hence the stuttering. Is there a solution or workaround for this? thx in advance

Pro User

Valentin I am on the same page as you. I am using a BCF2000 on a Windows PC and the desktop app. I will try the web app as I didn't understand how they differ for you.

Pro User

I've had quite a few problems running the windows app for the last two days.
The code generated from the app is unusable for motorised faders because of the stuttering.
The web app code is better.
I wonder if picky-picasso used the web or desktop app for his setup but I guess its the desktop since he has led feedback?....
Also I can see him using os x which might be a pointer to a bad windows port on the desktop app?..

Free User

Hello everybody,
I just bought CCS, and I'm configuring my first script for a x32 producer
it's really easy, really usefull
But I have the same issue as Valentin Kimstedt
There is conflict when I use the faders manually with the MIDI feedbacks of it quasi in the same time : it forces, it stutter

To be frank, it seems logical to me that there is this conflict since there is no option to declutch the feedback while moving the fader.
This is not a problem for LEDs, but it is for motorized controls

Is there a solution via CCS?

( I should be able to create a clutch using Bome's Midi Translator before CCS, but i wanted to only use a script )

Free User

I just discovered Reactions
maybe we can do it with this

Forum Admin

Hi, just reading back through this topic a little, for the mentioned web app style controls these aren't currently possible to use in CSS (keep an eye out for Reactions version 2, connecting controls using the web app method should be possible with it).

I'm not really sure about 'clutching/de-clutching' but you can turn off LED feedback for a mapping by changing 'LED feedback' to 'custom' and set 'Send feedback' to 'No'

Pro User

In case anyone else use CMD LC-1 or Pl-1. Those encoders are really bad and you shouldn't expect any good from them. Also unlike standard 0-127 they use 0-16 for the full LED ring range.

Free User

Thanx for answers

Quote John C :
"I'm not really sure about 'clutching/de-clutching' but you can turn off LED feedback for a mapping by changing 'LED feedback' to 'custom' and set 'Send feedback' to 'No'"

Ok, but if I turn 'Send feedback' to 'No' then I don't have feedbacks for my motor-faders anymore.
I've resolved this problem using Bome's MIDI Translator with timers (and global variables) which prevent momentarily MIDI feedback for 100ms if I manually move the fader. It works very well.
It seems to me that it is impossible to do this with CSS for now, am I wrong ?

(note: there is no this problem with the MackieControl script ... but I don't know how does it work)

Then the questions are :
- is there actually some timers in Reactions v2 ? (I read in other topic you want to implement timers)
- Can we change a an internal setting, such as the 'send feedback Yes/No', in Reactions v2 ?
- I'm interested to betatest Reaction v2, but I still have a lot of trouble understanding the current "Reaction" despite the doc and the forum. Is version 2 very different from the first ? maybe i have to understand the first first.

Forum Admin

You're correct that you cannot limit the amount of feedback being sent to your faders using CSS.

Reactions V2 should allow to you use the standard Ableton framework method of controlling parameters.
Due to the amount of customisation you can do with CSS, it has its own way of controlling parameters/sending feedback. However as you mentioned, it seems that this affects motorised faders with this stuttering.
The 'Ableton framework method' which I mentioned above uses similar/the same way of connecting your faders to parameters in Live. You will lose some customisation options available in CSS settings such as maximum/minimum etc but will gain the smooth feedback.
Having said that, limiting the amount of feedback which is sent back per ms is an interesting concept and one that we can look into.

Reactions v2 aims to make creating your own custom logic/mappings much easier than v1, while also increasing the options which you have available. v1 is quite tricky to understand and something which which we have worked hard to improve on.

Free User

Thank you for your answer

Yes that's it
I imagine a little check/uncheck box right next to the feedback setting, called "Enable for a motorized mechanical controller", which would prohibit the feedback for a few ms when the controller is incoming.
Very simple isn't it (I'm joking, i don't know how to do this at all and the work it takes for that)

Are registrations for the Reaction v2's betatest still open?
Do I have to register on the page ? :
https://remotify.io/community/question/reactions-2-beta-testing-roll-cal... ?

I repeat that it is possible to work around this problem by using a MIDI utility program that I quoted above and am willing to help those who are interested.