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MIDI CC messages with MIDI Number "0" will lead to error message [Fixed]

Submitted by kidaxel on Tue, 01/22/2019 - 22:45
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

Hi John,

not sure if the following is a bug but it feels odd to me. I’m using the MIDI Fighter Twister here and by default its first knob is sending a MIDI CC messages on Channel 1 with MIDI Number 0 (or MIDI Value 0 as it is called in CSS).
Now, if I try to use this knob for my script it will give me the following error message:

“generate_input_name error, at least one midi message value is not set. called by attach_it. Controller name is Knob 1.”

For any other knob on the MIDI Fighter Twister this is not a problem as they are all using MIDI Numbers higher than “0”. However, this did not seem to be a problem when I was still using the web interface. I could simply configure Knob 1 to not use MIDI Number “0” but I just wanted to find out whether this is a bug or not.

Thanks a lot in advance for any hint!
Cheers, Axel

3 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi Axel,

I was experiencing the exact same issue with MIDI Fighter Twister.
It was considering 0 as empty so was returning the error.

A fix has just been pushed up, can you give it a try and let me know if it works for you?


Forum Admin

No need to update your App, the fix is provided by our server.

Pro User

Hi John,
that was quick! Working fine now, thanks a lot!
Cheers, Axel