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MFT Push Twist to control Effects Send?

Submitted by BillW on Sat, 10/22/2022 - 07:30
Control Surface Studio User

Probably a newbie question.

I have button push controlling mute and twist controlling volume for 16 Live channels.

Can I create a push+twist event to control an Effects Send on the same buttons?


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3 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Hi BillW,

IANAE - but... Can you set 16 of the 20 CSS "memory elements" to represent "this Knob's Button is currently pressed" which you set and unset inside each "Button Press" Event Handler and then branch accordingly inside each "Knob Turn" Event Handler?

Control Surface Studio User

I have no idea what that even means. Lol.

I'm lucky i got this far. For now I can probably just sacrifice some of the controllers or use the side button. But since I'm controlling all of this while I'm trying to play drums, it's a bit if of a juggling act.

This mess is what I'm going for. My next step is to integrate more looping control, so I can setup and control grooves. I'm thinking I'll do that with sends to a bus, which would be cool with a twist click.


Control Surface Studio User

There are definitely CSS tutorials on YouTube that demonstrate use of the "memory" slots. I suspect that's the only way you can make a combination event like that. When the Knob turns, the event handling code needs to know if the associated Button is also pressed in order to know whether to adjust "Track volume" or "Send level" for example, so your code checks a variable (the memory slot). If you want to follow through with that though, I think you'll have to lose the Muting on (same?) Button press.