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maybe im just being dense, but controlling track vol related to session box?

Submitted by auralincarnation on Sat, 02/17/2018 - 12:21
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

when setting up a volume peramiter you have the choice of a specifc track or the selected track....

is there a way to control the 8 volume channels highlighted by a 8x1 session box? or are you required to put each one on its own hard coded tracks ?

ie if I have a 6x1 session box... and the first track in that session box is track 4....can I also set up my device to control vol on track 7 (with what type of volume parameters ??)

1 Responses


Forum Admin


If you have a session box on a mode, then having 'specific' volume controls makes them relative to the position of the session box. So moving the session box means that the track volumes you control will move with it.
The same goes for Devices :)