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master track select

Submitted by msanze on Sun, 02/25/2018 - 23:53
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

how can i select the master track inside the script ?


5 Responses


Pro User

That function is not (yet) implemented.

Control Surface Studio User

Are there any updates to this feature? Ability to select the master using CSS scripting would be very useful in my workflow.

Pro User

Yes, please...

Forum Admin

HI guys,

This can be done by using a 'select device' mapping type (found inside track > device)
1 in your mode, add a 'track' and in the track settings select 'master'
2 add a 'device' inside the track. you can leave the default settings as they are.
3 add a'select device' mapping inside the device and assign it to the button on your midi controller
That will select the master track and a device of your choosing if you like

Control Surface Studio User

It would be great to have another option to select master track...
may b to number it zero for example...