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Mapping (volume) Sliders to Groups (Xone K2)

Submitted by Pildrin on Tue, 09/08/2020 - 10:52
Control Surface Studio User

@mods --> Asked this question in the topic below but not sure if that's correct. Delete whatever post when necessary.

We're looking for a solution to map the Xone K2 sliders to specific groups (which have multiple ableton tracks within them)

We only want the main group to correspond to our slider. F.E (1st grp = KICK + Bass = total 3 Ableton tracks) (2nd grp = Hats + SNR/CLP + Perc = total 4 Ableton track). When we map the launch buttons it does only launch the clips on group level. But when trying to set the sliders it doesn't seem to work. In our case, the 4th slider of the Xone K2 corresponds to the 2nd group (which is track 4 in Ableton) and the 3rd group reacts to the 8th slider of the Xone K2 (track 8th in Ableton). How would we go about fixing this?

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