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Mapping the SL MKII

Submitted by AndreGM on Tue, 06/20/2017 - 14:39
Free User


I'm trying to create my custom script for the Novation SL MKII.

In the original script (when exclusive arm is enabled) everytime I arm a track it desarms any previous one.

When trying to do the same through remotify the behaviour is slighly different when it comes to light the feedback on the buttons.

Let's say I have track 1 armed.
When arming track 2 the arm button on track 1 stays ON which is very visually confusing specially when arming different tracks.

If I set the buttons to momentary there isn't a problem but then again when looking at the SL I can't tell in which track I am so it isn't ideal. Because of this I've set my buttons to be toggles so that when a track is armed the button stays lit.

So my question is, is this possible to do with remotify? And if so, how?


1 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi Andre,

This doesn't happen for me. The LED feedback on/off follows whatever state the linked arm button is in.
When I have "arm exclusive" set to "on" in ableton, LEDs switch to their off colours as expected when I turn arm on for a different track on.
I'm testing this with a launchpad S.
Are you sure you're using correct LED on/off velocity colour values for the SL MKII?
