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Mapping to show plugin window

Submitted by camerongouthro on Thu, 12/15/2022 - 04:35
Control Surface Studio User

Trying to map a midi value to pull up and show the plugin window on a certain track. Been searching with reactions and have yet to find anything. Any suggestions?

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4 Responses


Forum Admin

This functionality isn't possible unfortunately.

Control Surface Studio User

Hey John - is this a limitation with the API or is it just not implemented in CSS, and if so could this be a feature request? I would also love this feature!
It would be great to have the plugin window open when modifying parameters and then be able to close it for a visual reference. Perhaps I could give a go at custom python to achieve this?

Control Surface Studio User

This would be great! Show and hide plugin window on a button or if selected. I would love it!!

Forum Admin

It's not available in the Ableton API as far as I'm aware.
Agreed it would be a very handy function to have available.