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Mapping rotary control to selected chain's volume in Drum Rack

Submitted by micbearing on Sat, 06/17/2023 - 00:46
Control Surface Studio User

I've tried multiple approaches and searched this forum, but haven't been able to nail a solution yet.

I want to be able to map a single rotary control on my midi controller to control the volume level of the selected chain in a Drum Rack, so that as the selected chain changes (e.g. because Autoselect is enabled on the Rack and I've triggered the device in a different chain) the same rotary control can be used to change the volume level of the newly selected chain.

My objective with this is to be able to play the many devices in a Drum Rack using my midi controller keyboard, and use the same rotary control to adjust the volume of each device in an A/B/C... fashion. I think this would make it a lot easier to equalize the levels across the various devices than trying to click into the chain menu of each one, especially since the Live GUI has a tendency to jump randomly when clicking around in a Drum Rack.

Any ideas?

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4 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Hello micbearing,
I have not yet played with chains in my scripts, but did you already get a single volume chain control from Drum Rack into CSS? I am asking because when I searched the Live Object Model just now, I could not find a way to set the volume of a chain inside a Drum Rack (see image hereunder)
A (not so pretty) workaround could be that you map each chain volume to a macro and then dynamically assign the selected chain volume to your controller's knob. (when the selected Drum Rack chain has changed, then assign the controller to the newly selected Drum Rack chain).
Hope this might be of some help.

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Control Surface Studio User

What i do is that my drum racks are grouped with fx in a instrument rack. This way you can have chain volume for drum racks. This difference is stupid anyway....

Control Surface Studio User

@trololololol: That is indeed an elegant way that makes way more sense.
Thanks for sharing!

Control Surface Studio User

Thank you both for your responses! I'm gonna play around with these approaches and see if I can find something that works.