The Mapping Details Form
You will arrive at this form in one of two ways.
- After clicking a Mapping Type on the Mapping Type Page
- After clicking the Edit Button of a Mapping on the Mapping List Page.
In this form you can define the various values associated with each Mapping you’re adding to your Remote Script. You will see a slightly different set of Form Elements depending on the Mapping type you’re creating/ editing.
You’re free to name each mapping however you like. We suggest you give it something descriptive such as ‘track 1 volume’ etc
Mode: (pro only)
Assign your mapping to a mode. Mode 1 is loaded on script load. You can access other modes by adding ‘shift’ or ‘mode activation’ buttons to your script. These can be found on the Mapping Type page.
Track type:
Track type refers to ‘tracks’ (also called channels) inside Ableton and there are upto 3 options for this.
- ‘Specific’ means you want to select a specific track inside Ableton. If you select this you’ll see a second select list appear below it labelled ‘Specific Track Number’ where you can choose the Track number you want to control with this Mapping.
- ‘Master’ means you want the mapping to control the Master Track (only appears for Volume & Pan Mappings)
- ‘Selected’ means the mapping will apply to the currently highlighted track inside Ableton rather than a specific track.
Track Specific Number:
If you select ‘Specific’ for Track Type, this Drop Down List will appear, choose which Track in Ableton you want your Mapping to control.
Midi Channel:
Select the Midi Channel which your Midi Controller will be using for this Mapping.
Midi Type:
Select if your Midi Controller will use a CC (Control Change) or Note Message Type for this Mapping. Some functionality such as volume can only use CC messages, selecting Note will break the script.
Midi Value:
Select the Midi Value your Midi Controller will use for this Mapping. This will be a Value from 1 - 127
Midi Learn:
After clicking this button, Remotify listens for Midi signals coming from any Midi Controllers you have connected to your computer. Once clicked, the previous 3 parameters (Midi channel, Midi Type, Midi Value) will be auto completed whenever you press or turn a button or knob on your Controller. A list of connected Midi devices will appear, make sure the Controller you want to use displays in this list. You will need to connect the Controller to your Computer before navigating to the Midi Detail page. Midi Learn only works on Web Midi enabled Web Browsers (currently Chrome & Opera).