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Map more than 32 tracks?

Submitted by ericpham2211 on Thu, 05/04/2017 - 10:31
Free User

Is it possible to map more than 32 tracks as I see? And also do you have select track function to map? Thank you!!

11 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi Eric,

We can up this, how many tracks do you require?

Track Selection will be available by the end of the week.
Right now, you can use 'Device Select'. This allows you to move to a specific track (same as track select), plus you can select a specific device to highlight in the track - all with one button!



Free User

Hey John! Firstly, thank you so much for creating remotify. I've just knew about it since yesterday but it has been awesome experience :) Hope this will grow much bigger!
Alright back at my request, i'm using the bcr 2000 and I have 32 encoders in total but I also have 4 banks of those encoders. So it would be great if you can make it available for 128 tracks? I know it's quite a lot but more still better than less, right? :) If that is impossible, 64 tracks are still great!!
I really appreciate the fact that you always try to make our community's request become true!
Again thank you so much John! Hope you have great things ahead! Much love :)

Forum Admin

Hey Eric,

Thanks for your nice words! can I ask how you found out about us?

I tested this and didn't find any issues with updating to 128 tracks, so its done!
I hope you can make an awesome script for the bcr2000 now!

Also, we've just added Track Select, including custom on/off LED feedback colour options - so you can see on your controller which track you're on, no need to look at the screen.

If you could tell / share Remotify with your friends, that would be a great help!
A nice image will display in Facebook if you share it on there, plus everyone will think you're super edgy knowing about new tech :p



Free User

I was just looking around how to modify my controller and then BAM this one show up from a djtechtool blog! Yeah I'll definitely share this with people! Thank you John for your great work! Keep making this better and better please :)

Free User

You said, you added Track select already? I cannot see it.

Forum Admin

Great thanks for the info, thats great to know!

Try clearing your browser's cache, Track Select is now on the "Selected Track Navigation" row of the mapping type page.

Free User

Thanks John! Another request, is it possible for u to create volume fine control like the tempo fine control?

Free User

Another thing, I tried to become a pro user but when processing payment, it always shows this "The requested page "/checkout/526/payment/return/5M77e1_mkh5uNhlMceGjO0Aja5TjWT4SC3KhwDTcWPQ?token=EC-74K08346PC197510B&PayerID=MF8246VJD3KCG" could not be found." What's the problem here John?

Forum Admin

Not at the moment but I'll add 'fine volume control' to the development investigation list.

Are you getting this error after you have attempted to pay on paypal or is it when you click 'continue to next step' on here?
I just checked and we haven't received a payment from you so not to worry there.

Free User

after I attempted to pay then it's back to remotify website and that message showed up. Yeah I haven't seen my money has gone too. Don't know what happen with the website

Forum Admin

I tested the check out process and everything seems ok now.
Try giving it another go.

