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Making a "mixer" style controller layout (VCM-600 or launchcontrol XL)

Submitted by deadunit on Sun, 07/18/2021 - 10:04
Control Surface Studio User

Just picked up a Vestax VCM-600 and a remotify license

The default mapping is interesting, but there's a few ways I'm keen to improve it.

eg. the default mapping finds the last ableton EQ on a track and assigns the hi, mid, low eq knobs to control some of the EQ gains, it also finds the last auto filter on a track and assigns the appropriate parameters to the cutoff and resonance knobs for that mixer channel.

Pretty neat.


1. Eq3 sucks and doesn't have a true bypass at 12 o'clock, channel EQ has a bypass at like 3 o'clock, and I have some great DJ style EQ racks I'd prefer to use that are built on multiple EQ8's, mimicking the response of a DJ EQ with true bypass or I would love the ability to use 3rd party vst's for this.

So I would rather the EQ knobs be mapped to macro knobs on a specially set up effects rack at the end of that track's audio chain.

2. pretty much the same thing with filtering,
I'd rather use my own fx racks that either control the stock autofilter, but give it a true bypass when the filter is open (not slightly highpassing or lowpassing like autofilter wants to do when open when it isn't set up in a rack)
Or I want the option to use VSTs, like xfers free 1-knob style "DJMfilter" plugin or Sugarbytes "turnado" or something.

Once again, would prefer the filter knobs to be assigned to some other macro knobs on the last effects rack on that track's chain. Obviously the advantage of this being a "mixer" style controller with so many knobs, I'm hoping I can drop bass on one track and simultaneously turn it up on another etc etc. Not just focus on editing one track at a time (as Ableton appears to want people to do)

3. by default the VCM600 can toggle between controlling tracks 1-6 and 7-12..
Pretty cool, but a bit limiting.

I'd like to change this to use the redbox/session box... I also want to link this redbox with another padcontroller I own (push1, apc40 mk2 or launchpad mini mk3)

The pad control can handle the launching of clips, the vcm600 can handle the mixing of tracks, ideally it would be great to have them all move together.

so for the track
I've found a way to map knobs to a device number on a track, counting from 1.
Is there a way to make it automap knobs to the ^last^ device on a track?
or automap knobs to an effect rack of a specific name?

or the ^last^ device of a specific name? (eg. "channelfx" or 'channelmix' or 'channelstrip'? I don't know what I want to call it yet :P) but if there ends up being 2 on the same track, I'd want the last one to be the one controlled by knobs.

Very thankful for any help anyone can provide!
Really hoping Remotify.io can be the missing piece to the puzzle to get an amazing live setup going for me!

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6 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

I've picked up Blair's control file for the VCM 600 as a starting point (thanks Blair!)


I'm not seeing a way to automatically map knobs to macroknobs on effect racks on tracks..
Just ways to "select" a device manually.

Is this something I'm missing or is this something that can be added?

Forum Admin


This can be done with Reactions 2 only - so you would need CSS 2.6 beta which is currently available from the beta forum here: https://remotify.io/beta-community/question/reactions-v2-beta-downloads-...

Specifically what you will need to do is use the new modifiers functionality. Checkout tutorial 5 and 8 in here: https://remotify.io/beta-community/question/reactions-v2-tutorials
You would need to create a reaction which finds the device position number for the device and saves it to a modifier. You can then use the value of this modifier in the device selector mapping.

Control Surface Studio User

@John C, just saw your reply

I'll look into this, thank you!

Control Surface Studio User

here's an update to the VCM-600 mapping file from Blair if anyone is interested.

awesome work with the layout and all the CC and note values and all the hard stuff
it was confusing me that lots of knobs and buttons had the same name.

rearranging was a challenge as I had to work backwards from the end, freeing up higher numbers to be available for lower numbers

after a bit of back and forth, settled on:
channel 1 knobs and buttons are 10-19
channel 2 knobs and buttons are 20-29 etc
for all 6 channels

the macro knobs are 81-88
the return pans, master cue and master pan and related buttons are 91+

other system buttons and knobs are from 100 onwards

sliders are 1-10

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Control Surface Studio User

omfg... this beta!

This is the real sh!t!

This is what I was hoping for!

Forum Admin

haha :) glad to hear you're enjoying it!