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Lost the Connection to Ableton ll.3.2

Submitted by rpacker on Wed, 05/24/2023 - 23:19
Control Surface Studio User

Today I updated to Ableton 11.3.2 and lost the connection with my Remotify script. I went back to the settings, chose 11.3.2 and it was still not working. When I chose the application, I no longer get the version numbers populating.

I have included a screenshot of my settings.

How do resolve this?

Thanks, Randall

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7 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Your question seems legit. But your screenshot is a scam....

Control Surface Studio User

Not a scam, just the wrong screenshot, I have replaced it with the correct one.

Control Surface Studio User

Dont use the Browser button but the small arrows right to it and choose "reported Version " or what its called

Free User

@trololololol: I had the same problem days ago, the arrow dropdown will just be empty.

@rpacker: Select the path /Users//Library/Preferences/Ableton in the "browse" menu. Afterwards the version select should be appearing again.

Free User

@rpacker: Sorry, but this fantastic piece of forum software will cut out all pointed brackets, so my path is missing a part. Lets try again:
Select the path /Users/-your username here-/Library/Preferences/Ableton in the "browse" menu. Afterwards the version select should be appearing again.

Control Surface Studio User

Many thanks @maro for your excellent advice! All is good. Wondering if this is documented anywhere? Also, it is tricky opening the library from within a browse window because you can't option click. I had to make an alias of the Ableton prefs folder and then browse to that. Perhaps there is something I don't know....

Free User

@rpacker: In finder, press command & J, this will open the view options of finder.
All on the bottom, you will find the checkbox "show library folder".
This will make things easier ;)