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Looping over a group of tracks

Submitted by hatoki on Sat, 08/12/2023 - 22:17
Control Surface Studio User


How can i loop over a group of tracks?

I have identified the group id and it has been stored into the m1 modifier.

Now i'm trying to loop over the tracks in this group:


This does not seem to work.

What is the proper way to do this?



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1 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Hello hatoki,

Your code seems correct to me!
I was having a similar problem with using a modifier for track selection in a 'device parameter' mapping.
I did some testing on CSS's previous version and it works over there. So there must be a small bug in using the track selection with a modifier. (Using a modifier with device selection works just fine.)

I just now informed John about it. I am sure that he will tackle that bug.

Best regards, Wim