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Log.txt "defer your response" message

Submitted by chainsawart@gmail.com on Wed, 09/22/2021 - 17:06
Control Surface Studio User

Hi there,
I haven't seen this one yet. I'm in the process of converting over to Ableton 11 and making sure Reactions work inside of Ableton 11.0.10
I set up a simple Reaction : When the mute status is changed on Track 4, then turn the metronome on.
Please refer to the attached photos for the error I received.
Have you seen this yet? Am I doing something wrong? This message is the bane of my existence when working with M4L.
Attaching photos of the message from the log.txt, the listener, and the action.

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2 Responses


Forum Admin

Yes I've seen this, it's a blockage put in place at Ableton's end,
It's because you're trying do an Ableton UI - to - Ableton UI reaction. (when mute changes - turn metronome on)

You need something in between:
What might work is if you save to a modifier first,
Use 2 Reactions to do this...

Reaction 1:
Listener: when mute changes
Action: save a value to a Modifier (lets say m1)
Reaction 2:
Listener: when modifier m1 changes
Action: turn metronome on

Another way around it is to use a clip's 'playing status has changed' as the listener - clips don't seem to get caught by the 'defer your response' issue.

Control Surface Studio User

ahh. thanks, John. Makes sense.