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Locator Jump by Scene number

Submitted by trololololol on Mon, 03/27/2023 - 14:45
Control Surface Studio User


i tried to link scenes and cue locators. I attached my file, maybe someone sees my problem.

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2 Responses


Forum Admin

Are you trying to jump to a specific locator based on the scene launched?
As a test, maybe try unchecking 'get value from ranges' and setting the locator number to jump to.

Control Surface Studio User

I had to start from a much earlier part.
The akai apc40 controller template is wrong. It had stacked up rotarys ans a button line missing. The sysex code for the controller mode change in the forum is wrong as well.
As if fixed that my complete overflown error log fixed itself and i was able to start working.
I will upload the action and template when i had some sleep.

The editor started crashing and was filled with errors from old versions i couldnt delete. Had to export, reinstall and import to get a proper working set.