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LED's on controller not updatng when changes are made in ableton Or even reflecting what is in ableton

Submitted by shaynehartnett on Sun, 09/04/2022 - 20:53
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

Hi everyone,

I'm using the Mac version of the Control Surface Studio 2.7.

I've created a session box and in that session box it has 8 tracks. I've set it so that my BCR 2000 can control the gain, solo, mute, send amount across the 8 tracks of the session box in accordance with what 8 tracks the session box is currently on. I currently have 2 issues.

1. If I make a change directly in ableton to the gain on any of the tracks for example; the LEDs on my BCR 2000 do not change with it (on the rotary encoder knobs)

2. The above issue also means that when I move my session box to another 8 tracks the rotary encoder knob leds will stay exactly the same regardless of if these 8 tracks are set totally differently....for example If I open up Ableton the session box is set to the first 8 tracks. If I set the gain on all of these to '-12' then move the session box to the next 8 tracks the encoders on my BCR 2000 are still then set to '-12' even though the next 8 currently selected tracks are set to '0'

Previously i the past whaever was in Ableton was reflected on my BCR 2000 rotary encoder LEDs but since Ableton 11 nothing really works like it used to.

Surely I don't need to add reactions for every parameter and furthermore even when I tried adding one reaction to the mute change on a track it still doesn't work. Any help would be massively appreciated.

I want to control my BCR 2000 LEDs from Ableton and want to control Abelton with the controls on my BCR 2000.

I've uploaded the file ive been working on.


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9 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi Shayne,

Are you getting any errors in the CSS log at all?
Do you have track and remote turned on for the input and output of your script/midi controller in preferences > Link MIDI

Double check the LED settings on your volume/gain mappings.
Send feedback should be yes
Send feedback to: controller input
Note if you have 'LED feedback' option set to default, it will automatically have these settings.

Pro User

Hi John,

Yes this has been done in the Ableton settings

Yes I have done this in the CSS file and even set it as custom in volume control for example. Please see the attached.

No idea why it's not working. It worked perfectly with the web app before upgrading to Ableton 11.

Forum Admin

Hi Shayne,

You haven't uploaded your controller template so I can't check this 100% but...
From the screenshot it looks like you have the volume attached to a button? (Gain - Button 1).
Buttons use momentary or toggle based on/off midi data rather than a range of values which a knob uses.
If you are actually using a range/absolute based knob:
Try setting the control override to 'custom'
Then 'control type' to 'absolute'
make sure the first/last values are correct

Or if your knob is relative, set the control type to 'relative'
then set left and right to whatever your knob sends.
And set steps to 127.

Pro User

Hi John,

No it is a knob ignore the label I added I just called everything buttons but it's actually a knob.

So If you look at the photo I've added. That is my BCR 2000. All the 'Gain - Buttons' are actually the bottom row of knobs on the controller.

My controller tempIate made in the CSS is called: BCR 2000

My CSS file is called: BCR 2000 - Shaynes Sessions box

Based on your feedback I already had all the knobs set to absolute so what I did was I now change the 'Gain - Button 1' to relative (which is actually the bottom left knob on the controller' and if you look at the' Gain - Button 2' knob to relative. Both with the following values:
Left: 0
Right: 127

When I have loaded that into Ableton the 'Gain - Button 1' (which is the 1st knob in the bottom row) knob 1 doesn't work at all and the next knob a long is working as I previously mentioned meaning it works perfectly controlling ableton but then does not reflect changes from Ableton.

Does this help at all?


Forum Admin

Hi Shayne,

I've had a look at your controller template and I noticed that 'gain - button 1' is set as relative with the following settings.
left: 0
right: 127
Are they definitely the values which the knob sends when turning left/right (you can check this using the midi monitor menu at the top).
On the Behringer X Touch Compact for example, I think left/right is 45 and 85

Pro User

Hi John yes they are: those are the correct values. Every knob goes from 0 - 127

Pro User

Hi John any update?

Forum Admin

Hi Shayne,
If your knobs go 'from zero to 127' i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4... etc
Then your knobs should be set to absolute not relative.

Pro User

Hi John, please refer to my comment from 7th of September. I’ve tried both and neither work?
Most of them are already set to absolute and they don’t work. I also provided the file on this