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LED Feedback on selected track

Submitted by Ky Takikawa on Mon, 06/19/2023 - 20:17
Ky Takikawa
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

Hi Remotify Community.
I am currently working on a template that is centered around a selected track's properties.

I have a set of 8 buttons that are setup to change the current track's input source.

This whole script is working fine, I currently have the LEDs light up to the appropriate color when the script is initialized. However, I would like them to reflect the current track's input that is associated with the button that is used.

for a truncated example:

Button 1 = ext in. 1/2
button 2 = ext in 3/4

when i press either buttons it sets the selected track's input to the appropriate state.

When i navigate to a different track, my goal is to have a script querry the track's input state and send the associated button a message to change colors saying that it is the one that is on.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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4 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Hi Takikawa,
I have not played yet with the input states in CSS.
But I would make a Reaction which says:
Listener: when selected track has changed,
Condition: When input is ...
Action: Light up LED of button x
Hope this gets you started.

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Ky Takikawa
Pro User

Hey there Wim, thank you for the reply! I tried your suggestion and it seems to be working! I appreciate your input.
However, this only seems to send the proper feedback once a track is selected, it will query the track's input state and reflect that back in the way I have set the LED feedback to work. It will not update immediately on the track I have just made the input routing change to. I must then select away and back to the track to see the correct visual feedback.
This is also true if I have a track selected and instead of a button, i use my mouse to change the input routings. The track will not send updated information as changes are made in real time to it's state. It only seems to send current status data on selection.

Thanks for your time!

Control Surface Studio User

Hi Takikawa,
It seems that you will need one or more listeners for that reaction. In the images hereunder are some suggestions.
Sorry, a bit short post, time for me to go to work now!

Ky Takikawa
Pro User

Hey there Wim. Finally got to break away from the other script i was working on to sort this out. Looks like your suggestion was spot on.

I needed
'Song's selected track value has changed'
as well as
'track's current input routing value has changed'

This works once I select away from the track and return or, select a different track that has one of the input routing options i've specified locked in.

I'm going to make an additional reaction that makes it so that whenever I press one of the input selection buttons it will locally change the colors appropriately to have immediate feedback and then rely on the reaction you helped me with whenever i navigate to another track.

Thanks for your insight!