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LED feedback on Arturia controllers

Submitted by HDV on Thu, 03/16/2023 - 11:20
Control Surface Studio User

I´m playing around with CSS scripts for Arturia controllers, especially "minilab Mk2" and "Beatstep" (not pro version).
The "Beatstep" pads respond to LED feedback, but I can´t change the color, pad "on" color is always red, "off" means light off. But that´s a restriction I can live with.
"Minilab Mk2" is a different thing, LEDs light on and off when pressed and released but LED pads don´t respond to CSS commands like "self.midi_cc_ch_7_val_37.send_value(127)". It seems that the LEDs are only hardware coupled to the pads.
Does anybody know if this behaviour is the same on the old "Minilab" (Mk1) or the new "Minilab Mk3" or even "Beatstep Pro" ?

Any hint would be useful

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1 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Spending some time on the internet delivered the solution.

The colors on all pads on Minilab Mk2 can be set per SYSEX command :

self._send_midi((240, 0, 32, 107, 127, 66, 2, 0 , 16, 112 + padno , padcolor, 247))

"padno" is the number of the pad (from 0 to 15)

"padcolor" values are
black -> 0
red -> 1
green -> 4
yellow -> 5
blue -> 16
magenta -> 17
cyan -> 20
white -> 127
only these 8 colors are possible.

Sending (in a reaction) self._send_midi((240, 0, 32, 107, 127, 66, 2, 0 , 16, 112 + 4 , 17, 247)) set pad 5 to "magenta" color. That´s all..
