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LED Feedback

Submitted by rebbarth on Wed, 10/16/2019 - 06:22
Control Surface Studio User

Hi, i know seems old but still, cannot get it to work.
Using a Midimix. Watched the video, makes totally sense but in my case doesn´t work.

Controller scipt led on 127 off 0

Want to light up when specific mode is on / or track highlight. Tried custom and default on script /mode/highlight - nothing

Choosing the right button . Am on MID channel 16, is that a problem?

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7 Responses


Pro User

Did U resolve the problem.
Have the same issue with my Novation Launchkey mini MK3, no matter what, LEDs is not working.

Control Surface Studio User

@przykuty No i didn´t.

Hello guys, dont you answer anymore?

Forum Admin

Hi rebbarth, sorry for the slow reply.
I am testing with a Midi Mix here, LEDs work correctly when Mode is active/inactive and Track selection.
Can you clarify what you mean by you're on channel 16? are the controls on the midimix changed to channel 16 or something else?

Control Surface Studio User

thanks for answering. well, i just want to choose a mode with any button and it to light up. i´ve tried everything. turn global led mode in script on /off / custom / on 127 ,
set 127 on / 0 off in controller script
on mode send feedback yes, acitve 127 send feedback to several buttons
on mode selector default 7 custom, send feedback yes, acitve 127 send feedback to several buttons
tried different midi channels
tried note / cc

still nothing. do some of these interfere? but i must have choosen all possibilities,,,

Forum Admin

In Ableton's preferences, do you have track and remote turned on for the input/out options of your script (see attached screenshot). This is needed for LED feedback to be sent to your controller from live.

As I mentioned, I tested with a Midimix controller myself and all worked correctly so not sure what else it could be.

Control Surface Studio User

Here it says LED-Feedack for Launchkey mini mkII has to be sent over the DAW-port: https://www.partsnotincluded.com/how-to-control-the-leds-on-a-novation-l...

For the mkIII this could be interesting: https://gist.github.com/llimllib/13a391bc52aea9af3c8e81a315647240
But unfortunately my knowledge is to limited for understanding something..

I conclude that CSS is probably unable to communicate properly with these newer Launchkey (mini) versions..

Forum Admin

Hi Dawicht,

From the partsnotincluded article which you linked above, to send led feedback, it says that you must be connected to the 'incontrol' port of the mini mkii.
Here is the direct quote:
"To control the LEDs, you need to connect to this second port. For me this is listed as “Launchkey Mini (Port 2)” in Ableton, and as “MIDIOUT2 (Launchkey Mini) 2” in other software such as Python (mido) and Hairless. If you’re using Ableton, the port must also be set as an output device and enabled for track output in your MIDI preferences."

And also this:
"If you’re controlling the LEDs from Ableton, just press the InControl button on the Launchkey Mini once until it glows red.

If you’re not controlling the LEDs via Ableton, you need to send a message to the Launchkey Mini to switch it to “InControl” mode. The magic message is a “note on” message on channel 1 (0x90) for note 12 (0x0C) at velocity 127 (0x7F). The same message at velocity 0 (0x00) will switch “InControl” mode off."