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LED Display element

Submitted by Robinjo on Fri, 02/17/2023 - 17:48
Control Surface Studio User


Thanks for the great software!
I'm trying to build my own DIY midi remote with a ESP32 S2 mini with Oled displays I like to get the clipnames in to it.

Like this but better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3Zw8hbpVq4

I see in the sofware there is a LED Display element, but is there a tutorial how to sent clipnames to this element?

In the manual I read this:
LED Display
Use this for 'output only' type components on your MIDI Controller which only receive / display data. They do not send any data to Live.

But can't figure out how to sent data to it by reaction or any other setup. Can't chose the element to sent clipnames to it.

Kind Regard,


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3 Responses


Forum Admin

You can only send midi velocity or Sysex to an LED display.
Sending Sysex is discussed here: https://remotify.io/community/question/how-display-ableton-track-colors-...

Control Surface Studio User

is there a tutorial for how to do it?

Forum Admin

No we don't have a tutorial for this sorry.