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Launchpad Template

Submitted by Image_Engine on Sun, 07/12/2020 - 07:11
Control Surface Studio User

Hi All
My first step into remotify; I have a couple of different Launchpad controllers including an LP mk2. I want to realise the mappings I have been using for years and was hoping there would be some resources to get started.
1. Is there a Launchpad Mk2 example anywhere ie showing LED feedback etc
2. Is there a gesture module whereby you can use incoming controllers to recognise eg double clicks etc and use these as variation generators etc
Thanks , that would be a great start.

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7 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi Mark,

Regarding LED, we don't have anything specific to the Launchpad but here is a video tutorial on using LED feedback in CSS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssT2qUHsFa4&t=163s

I've just uploaded a controller template for the Launchpad MK1 / S / MK2 here: https://remotify.io/community/question/novation-launchpad-mk1-s-mk2

We don't have double click but we do have long press functionality using the 'delay' option.
To use it, set your mapping's control option to custom,
'control type' to on/off
And then you can set switch type to delay. See the attached screenshot.

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Control Surface Studio User

Thanks John
I eventually found the hold behaviour: a flowchart of how events are handled would be brilliant. It seems to works on the event up. Is it possible for it to be truly time registered whereby the time window is checked and event is sent at end of timer. Else, with 2 behaviours on the same button, the first gets triggered regardless and the second is not related to the first action ie they should be mutually exclusive. Thats the way I have always programmed I guess...but it also feels better at the ui level when the action is exclusive

Pro User

This screenshot is from an earlier version... Does "Custom" and "Delay" still exist in CSS 2.7? I can't seem to find either in the current iteration.

Pro User

Apologize for the question. I've found delay in mapping settings - when the button is selected, it can be customized up to the delay.

Would love a tutorial on this, to see the use for two functions from the same button without the experimentation I'm doing - which is slowly getting there. . .

Control Surface Studio User

Just set your button in both functions to delay.
For short presses set the delay time to 0,0 and for long presses set the delay time to 0,3

Control Surface Studio User

Apparently I wasn't right, because a long press would trigger both functions....
So the question remains - how is it possible to use two functions from the same key only with long and short press.

Control Surface Studio User

Image_Engine - Tue, 07/14/2020 - 23:19
Thanks John
I eventually found the hold behaviour: a flowchart of how events are handled would be brilliant. It seems to works on the event up. Is it possible for it to be truly time registered whereby the time window is checked and event is sent at end of timer. Else, with 2 behaviours on the same button, the first gets triggered regardless and the second is not related to the first action ie they should be mutually exclusive. Thats the way I have always programmed I guess...but it also feels better at the ui level when the action is exclusive

I think John is absolutely right.
To distinguish between long and short keystrokes, you need 2 delay values for each button - min delay time and max delay time.
Currently a long button press triggers the short press as well.