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Launchpad Pro Navigation

Submitted by Shanebieda on Sat, 04/22/2017 - 20:26
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

I want to use combination mode for launchpad pro and vcm-600. The Launchpad navigation buttons are not registering for some reason. I'm wondering why that is. Also I want to stick with my in "In the Box" midi script for the Launchpad Pro, but just replace the session box navigation with remotify script for the combination mode to work. Will that be possible?

Thanks! :D

2 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi Shane,

The problem with this is that the default midi remote scripts don't have combination mode turned on.
As far as I know, the only way to change this would be to add the required code into a de-compiled version of the launchpad pro script.
The only version I have of it is from Ableton 9.6x If you're happy with using that version I might be able to add the combination mode code to it for you.
I'm not sure on the updated launchpad pro features (if any) that you may lose out on by using this version though.


Pro User

Yes that would be great!!