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Launchpad pro mk3 script .Need some help

Submitted by Luc on Mon, 02/14/2022 - 13:35
Control Surface Studio User

Hi !
I try to achive a custom script that will let me have on launchpad pro one column of pads assign to a specific track name on the live set .
The goal is to have 8 tracks with specific name that will expose their clips on the 8 column of the launchpad whatever their position in the liveset.
Like a navigation box but for tracks that are not side by side
I succeded with reaction to locate the track thanks to the excellent tutorial, detect if there are clips in the clips slots regarding the track name, Now i would like to light up the pad on the launchpad pro to let me have a feedback of where clips are .
And i am stuck .
I am here :
- The script loop the scenes regarding the track i want (with the right name).
- if the clip slot has a clip he put the scene number in a modifier 2

Then i created a last reaction to switch on the light of the corresponding pad
-The listeners is "m2 modifier was updated"
and the action in midi controller send midi velocity value to input.
I use the "get value ranges" so that when , for example, the clip slot 2 have a clip it will send a note 81 + 2 , witch it the third pad in the line , and a velocity value of 3, witch is the white color.
pad note value for the first line up is
81 , 82, 83, etc...
but it does not work . I have a log error "(Wk-LppMk3 set3) There's a problem with 'Action Block 1' in reaction 'Reaction 4' (from 'modifier - m2 modifier was updated' listener) >>
>> 'int' object has no attribute 'send_value'' '

the listener works perfectly if i don't use the action "midi controller - send midi velocit value to input" . I tested it with a log text that simply send me a "oui" ...And it works.

I put both the script and the controller script here, if someone can help me please?
Thanks !

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3 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Hi Luc,

I think I might know what is going in, in 'Reaction 4' you are sending value 3 (white) to 'm2' which is an integer. 'm2' represents the loop iteration number and not the clip itself. That is probably why you are getting this error.


Control Surface Studio User

Thanks for taking the time to help me !
I understand now .
Then i get back to "simple' midi controller pad 1 and i would like to add the m2 modifier to that CC value. And send it the value 3 (white)
is it possible to change "controller input" with a custom code and with something like
self.midi_note_ch_0_val_(81 +m2).send_value(3)
I know what i wrote is crap but it's just to illustrate what i want to do .

Thanks !!!

Control Surface Studio User

Hi Luc,
I have tried the "self.midi_note_ch_0_val_(81 +m2)" method before and I did not succeed at it, but I am not a programmer so maybe there is a way to do that.
What I was thinking; you could in 'Reaction 3' add a 'clip - set color' action. Since you are already looping the clip slots in that reaction? You won't need 'Reaction' 4 then.

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